Tuesday, December 8, 2020

5 Ideas For Studying The Bible

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5 Ideas for improving your Bible report time:

1. Do a give-and-take study.
For example, role a concordance* together with read every role of "heart" inwards Scripture. Give yourself equally long equally it takes (weeks?) to read each passage together with write something that it reveals close your heart, God's pump or the hearts of others.

2. Do a topic study.
It's of import non to base of operations our views close something on a unmarried Scripture, only uncovering everything Scripture reveals close a subject. For example, you lot could report all the passages on prayer yesteryear using a topical Bible. I encourage you lot to read Understanding Prayer inwards Context to encounter how of import a topical report tin be.

3. Use the "8x8 Method." 
Read a passage 8 times a solar daytime for 8 days to allow it sink into your spirit. (8x8 Details)

4. Memorize substitution passages. 
As God's words sink into your heart, you lot volition amend sympathise their meaning. (6 Ways to Memorize)

5. Study alongside a friend or group. 
There's ever forcefulness inwards numbers to croak on your report on track. (More close benefits of community)

"How much amend to larn wisdom than gold, to larn insight rather than silver!" Proverbs 16:16

* H5N1 Bible concordance is an alphabetical listing of words inwards the Bible. You tin uncovering concordances for unlike English linguistic communication translations since the actual words vary from ane translation to around other (although they are all translations of master Greek or Hebrew words). Perhaps the most famous concordance is Strong's Exhaustive Concordance  outset published inwards 1890 only notwithstanding used today. It lists the place of every give-and-take that is constitute inwards the KJV to include the give-and-take "the."
Image: Billy Frank Alexander

Would you lot similar to a greater extent than encouragement to improve your fourth dimension inwards God's Word together with prayer? 
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Sign upward for a costless subscription below together with have the costless e-booklet "10 Days to a More Meaningful Quiet Time." 

The booklet includes 1-minute devotions followed yesteryear a "Quiet Time Tip" together with an "Application Question." You tin download it to your computer, tablet, iphone or kindle or you lot tin impress a copy. 

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