Monday, December 7, 2020

We Tin Never Give-Up The Ghost Plenty Of This

Have yous always met individual who felt they were spending plenty fourth dimension amongst the Lord We Can Never Get Enough of This

Do yous desire to know Christ - actually know Him?

Have yous always met individual who felt they were spending plenty fourth dimension amongst the Lord? I haven't.

I know people who diligently attempt God daily inward prayer together with Bible study, only they're unremarkably the get-go to acknowledge it's non enough.

Contentment is proficient inward other areas, only non this one. We should never live on fully satisfied until nosotros come across Jesus face-to-face.

We tin own got our cues from 1 of the best examples inward Christian history, the Apostle Paul who wrote these words:

"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord... I desire to know Christ...Not that I own got already obtained all this, or own got already arrived at my goal, only I press on to own got jibe of that for which Christ Jesus took jibe of me." Philippians 3:8-12

The to a greater extent than nosotros know Jesus, the to a greater extent than nosotros volition desire to know Him. So let's pray for Paul's fervor together with diligence inward this area.

Have yous always met individual who felt they were spending plenty fourth dimension amongst the Lord We Can Never Get Enough of This
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Have yous always met individual who felt they were spending plenty fourth dimension amongst the Lord We Can Never Get Enough of This