Monday, December 7, 2020

Biblical Cure For Depression Too High Self-Esteem

For past times the grace given me I nation to every i of you lot Biblical Cure for Low together with High Self-Esteem

Are you lot suffering from depression self-esteem? God has the answer.

Are you lot proud of your high self-esteem? Don't be. 

Our civilization believes high self-esteem is good, only God says neither depression nor high self-esteem is desirable. Instead, nosotros ask a realistic, balanced persuasion of ourselves, based on our faith--i.e. our esteem for Him.

"For past times the grace given me I nation to every i of you: Do non intend of yourself to a greater extent than highly than you lot ought, only rather intend of yourself amongst sober judgment, inward accordance amongst the organized faith God has distributed to each of you." Romans 12:3

The means to achieve this balanced persuasion of self is to quit focusing on self altogether (Luke 9:23-24) together with follow the priorities Jesus gave us in Mark 12:30-31:

"Love the Lord your God amongst all your pump ... ‘Love your vecino every bit yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”  

No greater commandment together with no greater cure for high or depression self-esteem.
For past times the grace given me I nation to every i of you lot Biblical Cure for Low together with High Self-Esteem
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For past times the grace given me I nation to every i of you lot Biblical Cure for Low together with High Self-Esteem