Monday, December 7, 2020

Don't Endure Stupid!

 God has given us to a greater extent than or less of import instructions inwards His Word Don't Be Stupid!

In our build-your-self-esteem world, it's becoming increasingly rare for people to give or have honest, constructive criticism.

Even worse, many Christians are convinced God never rebukes or disciplines His followers. 

I've oftentimes heard somebody tell that when God looks at them, He doesn't run into their sins; He alone sees Jesus. 

 God has given us to a greater extent than or less of import instructions inwards His Word Don't Be Stupid!
This belief isn't establish inwards the Bible. 

Scripture tells us we're counted righteous inwards Christ, simply that doesn't hateful God is ignorant of our sins or content alongside our character. 

God "disciplines those he loves, in addition to he punishes each 1 he accepts every bit his child.” Hebrews 12:6

His Word "is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting in addition to grooming inwards righteousness, in addition to thence that the retainer of God may endure thoroughly equipped for every skillful work" (2 Timothy 3:16-18). 

God doesn't sugar-coat it:

"Whoever loves dependent plain loves knowledge, simply whoever hates correction is stupid." Proverbs 12:1 

God forgives our sins, simply He loves us likewise much to overlook them. 

Let's non endure stupid.
 God has given us to a greater extent than or less of import instructions inwards His Word Don't Be Stupid!
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