Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Without The Bible, We're Lost

minute devotion discusses unlike approaches Without the Bible, We're Lost

A adult woman told me she quit believing the Bible because together with thus many faux teachers purpose it every bit their source.

I asked what she’d produce if she went to a grocery shop that sold rotten fruit. Would she scope upwards fruit or modify grocery stores? 

If nosotros scope upwards on something because it’s misused, we’ll demand to scope upwards on marriage, family, friendship … pretty much everything.

The Bible never misleads. The occupation is people who distort Scripture to back upwards non-Biblical agendas. 

Without the Bible, nosotros bring no standard, no authority, no footing for truth. We cannot really know, beloved or serve God without studying Scripture.

In fact, the entirely agency nosotros tin empathize cults together with faux teachers is yesteryear reading the Bible. Without it, nosotros volition live on fooled yesteryear anything together with everything.

That’s why Colossians 2:8 warns us: Don't permit anyone capture yous amongst empty philosophies together with high-sounding nonsense that come upwards from human thinking together with from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.
These 1-minute devotions offering farther advice virtually this subject:
7 Claims of False Teachers
Deceptive Evangelism
3 Ways to Discern Scriptural Truths 
5 Steps for Accurate Bible Study
3 Ways to Protect Yourself from False Philosophies
These 1-minute devotions beak virtually ways that Scripture is typically misused:
Pieces Parts  
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minute devotion discusses unlike approaches Without the Bible, We're Lost
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minute devotion discusses unlike approaches Without the Bible, We're Lost