Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assurance Or Repentance?

How Should We Respond When a Friend Tells Us They Assurance or Repentance?

What’s the loving affair to produce when a beau Christian sins?

Should nosotros assure them it’s no large deal?

Others direct maintain done worse. They shouldn’t experience bad almost themselves. They’re beingness likewise difficult on themselves, expecting likewise much of themselves. After all, we’re all sinners. 

I intend this is the most mutual affair for Christians to do. 

I’ve done it.

It seems compassionate. 

But is it?

Let’s direct maintain it a pace further: what if a professing Christian begins living an ungodly lifestyle or merely loses involvement inwards the things of God? 

Should nosotros assure them they're saved?

Does Scripture comfort as well as assure rocky-ground or thorny-ground people that they’re saved?

When nosotros minimize sin, nosotros mightiness live on encouraging a sinning believer to continue sinning or assuring an unsaved mortal that they’re saved. 

There’s naught sort or loving almost that.

God cares deeply for us, but He hates sin. It grieves His heart. 

God never treats sin casually, nor should nosotros … whether inwards ourselves or inwards others.

Matthew 18:15, James 5:19-20, as well as 1 Corinthians 5:12 tell us almost our responsibleness to lovingly warn sinning believers.
To read almost a province of affairs when a grouping assured a sinning believer, encounter When Down is Up.

How Should We Respond When a Friend Tells Us They Assurance or Repentance?