Thursday, October 31, 2019

Don't Shrink Back!

 Share it graciously but portion it boldly Don't Shrink Back!

God measures success differently than nosotros do.

God told Ezekiel to warn State of Israel of their sins (Ezekiel 3), but he told Ezekiel, upwards front, that the people wouldn’t brain (Ezekiel 3:7).

The success of Ezekiel’s ministry building wasn’t defined past times the results. It was defined past times Ezekiel’s obedience (Ezekiel 3:16-19).

If Ezekiel failed to portion God’s truth, he’d last held responsible for those he failed to warn. Their blood would last on his hands!

But Ezekiel would last counted faithful if he warned the people, fifty-fifty if they refused to listen.

We alive inward like times. 

Few people are interested inward God’s principles, no thing how graciously nosotros portion them.(1) 

Christians who accept a stand upwards are oftentimes criticized, ignored, mocked, as well as rejected. 

If y'all are i of the faithful taking a stand, don’t shrink back! (Hebrews 10:39)

Remember this promise:
“Blessed are y'all when people insult you, persecute y'all as well as falsely tell all kinds of evil against y'all because of me. Rejoice as well as last glad, because groovy is your vantage inward heaven.” Matthew 5:11-12
(1) It is of import that nosotros portion God's truth graciously, wisely, as well as inward love. 
See also: 4 Ways Christians Can Stand Firm inward a Declining Nation
and Why Following Christ Will Never Make us Popular.


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 Share it graciously but portion it boldly Don't Shrink Back!