Thursday, October 31, 2019

7 Characteristics Of Modern Christians

th birthday together with this calendar month is Bible Love Note vii Characteristics of Modern Christians

Today (July 18, 2018) is my 67th birthday together with this calendar month is Bible Love Note's seventh birthday, together with therefore delight allow me to depart from my commons format.

I'd similar to percentage unopen to of my observations afterward twoscore years of Christian ministry, leading Bible studies, pedagogy Bible seminars, working alongside Christian women’s groups, doing overseas Christian work, editing devotions, writing a blog, doing ministry building on social media, together with beingness a wife, mother, together with grandmother.

1. Christians aren’t the same, together with it’s a practiced thing.
I dearest the diverseness of the Body of Christ: "every nation, tribe, people together with language" (Revelation 7:9). 

It is my prayer that I volition fully appreciate together with relish how Jesus is honored inward dissimilar cultures together with dissimilar denominations.

2. Some Christians are growing together with unopen to are perpetual babies.
Those who mature inward Christ are regularly studying Scripture together with letting it shape their lives (1 Thessalonians 1:4-6). Immature believers aren't serious almost growing inward their faith (Hebrews 5:11-13).

It is my prayer that I volition ever hold upward deliberate almost my walk alongside the Lord, ever seeking to know Christ better.

3. Christians watch Scripture differently.
Some Christians cast their beliefs based on Scripture, exactly similar the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11). Some deal fast to half-truth errors fifty-fifty when Scripture refutes them (2 Timothy 4:3).

There are many pop beliefs inward Christian circles that are exactly worldly philosophies repackaged using Christian words. They create serious harm to our walk alongside the Lord. The entirely remedy is a deeper honour for God’s Word together with a commitment to cheque all teachings, no affair how popular, against the words of Scripture. 

It is my prayer that I volition non hold upward taken captive past times human philosophies that contradict God's Word (Colossians 2:8).

th birthday together with this calendar month is Bible Love Note vii Characteristics of Modern Christians
4. Christians don’t disagree the same.
Some dry soil their opinions kindly together with humbly (Colossians 4:6). Others dry soil their views rudely (Proverbs 15:18). 

It is my prayer that I volition deal my natural language unless I tin percentage my views inward dearest (Ephesians 4:14-15).

5. Christians don’t watch civilization the same.
Some stand upward on Biblical principles, no affair how unpopular (Galatians 1:10; 2 Timothy 4:2). Some alter their beliefs to suit civilization (Proverbs 29:25; Psalms 12:8; John 12:43).

Culture tests Christians daily. Will nosotros stand upward up for the "hard" parts of the Gospel or buckle nether the pressure? The delineate per unit of measurement area comes non entirely from the footing but besides from compromised Christians. 

It is my prayer that I volition stand upward theater together with therefore i hateful solar daytime Jesus may state to me, "Well done, practiced together with faithful servant" (Matthew 25:23).

6. Christians watch Jesus differently.
Some know Him together with realize He spoke almost sin together with judgment equally good equally grace together with dearest (John 15:18). Some don’t know Him together with intend His run was to brand people experience practiced almost themselves (2 Corinthians 11:14). 

Misunderstandings almost God’s graphic symbol are the source of many imitation teachings. 

It is my prayer to really know Christ fifty-fifty if involves hardship together with persecution (Philippians 3:10).

7. Christians don't stimulate got the same committment. 
God's dearest is wonderful together with it should inspire deep committment. Some Christians, motivated past times His corking love, are focused on glorifying God no affair the cost. Some are focused on personal gain, health, wealth, together with comfort.

Everyone loves the benefits of Christian organized religious belief – together with in that place are many. But genuine believers besides submit to the responsibilities together with difficulties of organized religious belief (John 14:21).

My prayer for this coming yr is that my devotions volition non entirely encourage others to dearest Jesus to a greater extent than fully, but they volition besides encourage me to dearest Him to a greater extent than fully.

I experience incredibly blessed past times my readers who give me the chance each weekday to percentage truths from God's wonderful Word! Thank you!  Gail
For 1-minute devotions related to each point:
1. Did You Know Your Brother is a Songwriter? 
2. Solid Food Faith.
3. Don’t Believe Anything that Contradicts Scripture. 
Half-Truths Many Christians Believe and I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel.
4. 3 Aspects of Gracious Speech and Ad hominem.