Thursday, October 31, 2019

Are Yous Commencement To Hold Upward Wise?

The subject for the mass of Proverbs is works life inward  Are You Beginning to Be Wise?

The subject for the mass of Proverbs is works life inward 9:10: 

"The fearfulness of the LORD is the outset of wisdom, too noesis of the Holy One is understanding."

Holy fearfulness is best described equally "reverence," exactly it's a powerful type of reverence. (See "No Fear, No Faith.")

It's non "God is a expert God."

It's "Wow! God is glorious, able to usage too destroy alongside a breath, Creator too Judge of all, all powerful, all knowing, all wise. He defines too personifies dearest too truth."

Fearing God is the outset (not the end) of wisdom. Those who truly fearfulness the Lord are daily students of His Word, waiting daily at His door (Fearing the Lord Keeps Us inward the Race.")

A soul tin convey academic degrees too awards too withal endure picayune to a greater extent than than a fool if they don't fearfulness God.

Those who fearfulness God trust Him fifty-fifty when things become wrong, attempt Him when making decisions, too admit that He is the ultimate source of truth.

Do y'all fearfulness Him?

The subject for the mass of Proverbs is works life inward  Are You Beginning to Be Wise?