Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sanctification Is Unlike Than Justification

Sanctification Is Different Than Justification  Sanctification Is Different Than Justification

A friend wrote to tell me nigh an fault she works life inwards a Bible report she was doing. Unfortunately, it's a mutual fault of modern Christianity.

The report said sanctification as well as justification are consummate when nosotros commit our lives to Christ as well as nosotros tin add together cypher to these things.

My friend understood this was entirely one-half right.

We’re justified past times the finished operate of Christ on the cross. Nothing nosotros create volition brand us “more justified.”

But sanctification is different.

It’s a process.

The to a greater extent than nosotros yield ourselves to God, the to a greater extent than He changes us.

Philippians 2:12-13 says God is working inwards us, but it clearly explains our role:

“Continue to operate out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, select it to total effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] amongst awe-inspired fearfulness as well as trembling [using serious caution as well as critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that mightiness scandalise God or discredit the advert of Christ].” (Amplified Bible)

When nosotros seriously, passionately pursue God’s volition as well as His ways, nosotros add together to (improve) our sanctification (1 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15; Philippians 3:12-14).
These devotions volition aid clarify this of import truth:
Works is non a Dirty Word
Baby Muscles

Sanctification Is Different Than Justification  Sanctification Is Different Than Justification