Thursday, October 31, 2019

Serious, Deliberate, Wholehearted

If nosotros own got our cues from the Apostle Paul Serious, Deliberate, Wholehearted

When nosotros cash inward one's chips Christians, we're no longer condemned, exactly nosotros own got of import responsibilities (Romans 8). 

Paul rejoiced inward his salvation, exactly he never stopped "straining ahead" to know Christ better.(1)  He knew he hadn’t arrived at his goal. He hadn’t however won the prize. There was kingdom operate to create (Philippians 3:10-14). 

Paul never doubted that God was doing the operate in addition to fifty-fifty giving him the correct desires, exactly he realized he had a responsibleness to actively yield in addition to engage alongside God. He pursued God alongside “fear in addition to trembling” – i.e. seriously, deliberately, wholeheartedly (Philippians 2:12-13).(2)

Paul knew this involved inconvenience, difficulty, in addition to suffering because “everyone who wants to alive a godly life inward Christ Jesus volition hold upwardly persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). But that didn’t terminate him.

Do yous realize, honey Christians, that nosotros own got a serious, important, wonderful, life-changing mission to know Christ in addition to portion Him alongside others?

We tin relax inward Christ’s love, exactly nosotros must never relax from that mission.
(1) The Greek give-and-take translated "straining toward what is ahead" (NIV) agency "strain after, stretch forward" (source).
(2) The phrase "with fright in addition to trembling" is defined inward Thayer's Greek Lexicon every bit "the anxiety of i who distrusts his might completely to encounter all requirements, exactly religiously does his utmost to fulfill his duty" (source).

If nosotros own got our cues from the Apostle Paul Serious, Deliberate, Wholehearted