Thursday, October 31, 2019

Are Nosotros Blinking Our Lights?

A Danger far worse than a traffic ticket Are We Blinking Our Lights?

While driving along a two-lane route inwards the Hungarian countryside, a automobile passed inwards the reverse direction as well as blinked its lights, therefore merely about other automobile passed doing the same, therefore another. 

Were they alert us of an upcoming speed trap similar drivers inwards America sometimes do? 

Sure enough, several miles upwards the route was a radar car.

This universal wishing to help swain drivers avoid a traffic ticket gave me a convicting thought. 

The Bible says, “Whoever rejects the Son volition non run across life, for God's wrath remains on them” (John 3:36).

That’s far worse than a traffic ticket.

“For the reward of sin is drib dead [eternal death], but the gift of God is eternal life inwards Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

If people inwards the globe are interested inwards alert others of an upcoming speed trap, nosotros Christians should survive far to a greater extent than interested inwards alert people of the upcoming judgment.

Dear Christians, let's brand certain we're "blinking our lights" (Matthew 5:16).

A Danger far worse than a traffic ticket Are We Blinking Our Lights?