Thursday, October 31, 2019

Winning A Battle Merely Losing The War

Sometimes winning is losing in addition to losing is winning inward God Winning a Battle But Losing the War

Sometimes nosotros tin win a battle only lose the war.

It happens inward business, ministry, in addition to friendship where i political party demands consideration only doesn't give it inward return.

Scripture says:

"Do nada out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, inward humility value others inward a higher house yourselves, non looking to your ain interests only each of yous to the interests of the others. In your relationships amongst i another, bring the same mindset every bit Christ Jesus..." Philippians 2:3-5 

If nosotros sacrifice honesty, kindness, patience, submission, in addition to consideration to make titles, positions, awards, possessions, money, fame, or pleasure, nosotros may intend we've won.

But nosotros genuinely lose the trust in addition to observe of others, in addition to nosotros examine that nosotros dear the things of the the world to a greater extent than than nosotros dear God (1 John 2:15-17).

Take fourth dimension today to evaluate your goals in addition to your methods. Sometimes winning is losing in addition to sometimes losing is winning.

Sometimes winning is losing in addition to losing is winning inward God Winning a Battle But Losing the War