Thursday, October 31, 2019

Right Is Right

machine faith are threatening the church building Right is Right

“Right is correct fifty-fifty if no ane is doing it. Wrong is incorrect fifty-fifty if everyone is doing it.” St. Augustine

St. Augustine understood this quote. He'd taught worldly philosophies in addition to lived inwards drunkenness in addition to immorality earlier his conversion. 

After he gave himself wholeheartedly to God, he made it his mission to let on errors inwards the civilisation in addition to the church.

Christians must produce the same today.

Our civilisation is pressuring us to guide maintain sexual acts against God’s loving design.

And faux teachers are distracting Christians from God's purposes alongside “vending-machine faith.” They're replacing self-denial, commitment, obedience in addition to reverence alongside self-love in addition to promises of health, wealth, in addition to comfort (Matthew 16:24; 1 John 2:15-17).

We must guard our hearts against faux teachings. We must warn believers that they cannot railroad train on the foundation of Christ past times approbation sexual sin or promoting vending-machine faith (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).

"Have nix to produce alongside the fruitless deeds of darkness, simply rather let on them. Don't permit anyone capture you lot alongside empty philosophies in addition to high-sounding nonsense." Ephesians 5:11 and Colossians 2:8
St. Augustine of Hippo lived from 354 to 430 AD. For to a greater extent than almost his life: St. Augustine of Hippo

These 1-minute devotions furnish additional insights:
What Scripture Says almost Prosperity
Wealth in addition to Faith
Sex Outside of Marriage - What Scripture Says
What the Bible Teaches almost Transgender
Standing Firm Despite Compromise inwards the Church

machine faith are threatening the church building Right is Right

Bible Love Notes