Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why Practiced Christians Stink & Odor Wonderful

 nosotros struck upward a conversation amongst a couplet registering for a romantic weekend at the hotel Why Good Christians Stink & Smell Wonderful

Years ago, nosotros struck upward a conversation amongst a couplet registering for a romantic weekend at the hotel where nosotros were staying. When nosotros explained that nosotros were missionaries inward Budapest, the adult woman told us she’d attended a Christian college.

No wonder she looked embarrassed when her partner explained they were non married. 

The next morning time when nosotros saw them inward the lobby, the adult woman walked speedily yesteryear us, avoiding our greetings, every bit if we’d never met. 

At outset I was confused until I remembered our “smell.”

“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rise upward to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently yesteryear those who are beingness saved as well as yesteryear those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, nosotros are a dreadful aroma of perish as well as doom. But to those who are beingness saved, nosotros are a life-giving perfume...” 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 

We hadn’t said a negative discussion the previous evening, simply nosotros were a reminder to this adult woman that her lifestyle wasn't pleasing to God (1 Corinthians 6:9-20). 

When nosotros deport the aroma of Christ, it has a negative besides every bit positive consequence on people (John 15:18-25).
To read near the sugariness aroma Christians have, see: Why I Wore My Mom's Perfume.

 nosotros struck upward a conversation amongst a couplet registering for a romantic weekend at the hotel Why Good Christians Stink & Smell Wonderful
Bible Love Notes