Thursday, October 31, 2019

Expectations Mess Us Up

My blind friend taught me a really of import truth near contentment Expectations Mess Us Up

In seminary, I befriended Lani when she almost walked into a wall inwards the cafeteria. 

I saw that she was blind, got upward to help, together with nosotros became friends. 

It was fun helping her purchase Christmas gifts inwards the campus majority store. It was her get-go chance to direct gifts without identify unit of measurement assist - her get-go chance to surprise them. For me, it was challenging (but fun) to explicate things to Lani without using colors or descriptions a blind soul wouldn't understand.

 Although most sighted people visit blindness the greatest disability, Lani is content together with excited near life. 

That’s because contentment is largely based on expectations. Lani has never had her sight. 

On the other hand, she 1 time told me that beingness deaf would endure the worst matter she could imagine. I intend that’s because she’s e'er been able to hear.

Lani's expectations are to a greater extent than honorable than many of mine. I await far also much at times together with confuse wants amongst needs. 

The Apostle Paul tells us there’s a surreptitious to overcoming these expectations together with beingness content inwards every circumstance. Do you lot know the secret? Look HERE.

My blind friend taught me a really of import truth near contentment Expectations Mess Us Up