Thursday, October 31, 2019

Christ-Followers Follow. Produce You?

Jesus gave a concise Definition of faith when He said Christ-Followers Follow. Do You?

Jesus gave a concise Definition of faith when He said, “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19).

1. We follow Jesus past times giving Him our burdens in addition to yoking ourselves to Him then nosotros rest inward stride alongside His purposes (Matthew 11:28-30).

2. We follow Jesus past times beingness willing to live for what is correct “because Christ suffered for [us], leaving [us] an example, that [we] should follow inward his steps” 
(1 Peter 2:21).

3. We follow Jesus past times becoming “fishers of men” then that others tin mail away follow Him equally good (i.e. sharing Christ; Matthew 4:19).

4. We follow Jesus past times placing His purposes higher upward our ain because “He gave upward his divine privileges” for us (Philippians 2:5-7).

5. We follow Jesus past times beingness productive in addition to obedient because apart from Him nosotros can create nothing” (John 15).

Three men inward Luke 9:57-62 said they’d follow Jesus, only they were hesitant in addition to halfhearted. Jesus said, “No ane who puts a paw to the turn in addition to looks dorsum is agree for service inward the kingdom of God.”(1)

Let's develop our eyes on Jesus in addition to follow Him wholeheartedly (Hebrews 12:1-2)!
(1) For to a greater extent than on these 3 men, come across Three Warnings.

Jesus gave a concise Definition of faith when He said Christ-Followers Follow. Do You?