Thursday, October 31, 2019

Misquoting God

 peculiarly when those words contradict God Misquoting God

No ane believes a tiddler rapist together with a gossip are guilty of equal sins, to the lowest degree of all God. 

But I regularly withdraw heed Christians say, "God views all sins the same."

1. All sins are bad.

2. All sins accept equal eternal consequences (Hell).

3. All sins tin endure forgiven inwards Christ.(1)

But that doesn't hateful God views sins equally.(2)

When nosotros claim He does, nosotros contradict Scripture together with encourage a casual mental attitude toward sin.

Christians accept God's Spirit together with His Word, together with we're responsible to part truth accurately (2 Timothy 2:15).

“The retainer who knows the master’s volition together with does non acquire ready or does non create what the primary wants will endure beaten amongst many blows [a greater sin]. But the ane who does non know together with does things deserving penalty will endure beaten amongst few blows [a lesser sin]. From everyone who has been given much, much volition endure demanded; together with from the ane who has been entrusted amongst much, much to a greater extent than volition endure asked.” Luke 12:47-48(3)

We’ve been given much, together with then let’s acquire what Scripture teaches together with quit quoting errors. See the resources below.(2)

(1) Actually, at that topographic point is ane sin that is unforgivable (Matthew 12:31).
(2) For multiple Scriptures that clarify how God views sins differently, delight read:
Does God View All Sins the Same 
Lies Some Christians Believe 
Why Some Sins Are Double Sins
As Serious As Witchcraft 
Responsibility for Our God-given Purposes   
Billy Graham on this subject
Got Questions on this subject
Christian Apologetics on this subject
(3) In this passage, God calls intentional sins to a greater extent than serious than unintentional sins, something besides acquaint inwards the Old Testament laws (Numbers 15:22-31). 

 peculiarly when those words contradict God Misquoting God