Thursday, October 31, 2019

Prayer Language

God Expects All of Us to Speak This Language Prayer Language

What create you lot telephone squall upwardly somebody who speaks 3 languages? Trilingual.

Two languages? Bilingual.

One language? American.

Several years ago, I met a Croation waiter who knew German, Croatian, in addition to Russian fluently summation a lilliputian English linguistic communication in addition to Hungarian. That’s non unusual for Europeans.

We Americans are the exception; in addition to amongst English linguistic communication fast becoming the 2d linguistic communication of Europe, it’s probable we’ll stay that way.

My promise is that nosotros monolingual American Christians volition deed beyond mono-national interests in addition to start praying for our world.

It’s non everyone’s responsibleness to larn a unusual missionary, simply it’s everyone’s responsibleness to pray that the the world volition know Christ’s love.

Jesus said, "Open your eyes in addition to hold off at the fields! They are white for harvest" (John 4:35).

Let's brand prayer for the nations our "second language."
Bible Love Notes has over 20,000 subscribers. If everyone spent 3 minutes inwards prayer today for about other country, that would add together upwardly to to a greater extent than than m hours of prayer! Imagine that!!

Will you lot surrender 3 minutes of each 24-hour interval to pray for the spread of the Gospel? Once you lot larn started, you'll belike experience similar praying longer, simply 3 minutes a 24-hour interval is something everyone tin handle!

God Expects All of Us to Speak This Language Prayer Language