Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wealth In Addition To Faith

How tin forcefulness out nosotros assistance Christians who've been influenced past times prosperity teachings?

We tin forcefulness out starting fourth dimension past times sharing these truths constitute inward Scripture:
Each Scripture link is followed past times a brief description of the verse, non the actual text.

James 4:3 - Selfish prayers won't survive answered.

Colossians 3:5 - Greed is idolatry.  

Matthew 6:19-21 - We're commanded to shop our treasures inward heaven, non on earth.

Matthew 6:24 - If nosotros dearest money, nosotros loathe God. 

1 Timothy 6:6-10 - We should survive content if nosotros bring nutrient in addition to clothing. Loving wealth turns us from God.

James 2:5 - Wealth is non a sign of faith. Poor people oftentimes bring the most faith.

Matthew 13:22 - The deceitfulness of wealth chokes out God's Word inward our lives.

Luke 12:15 - Possessions bring nil to create amongst the value of our lives.

1 John 2:15-17 - A dearest for worldly possessions is proof nosotros don't dearest God!

Philippians 4:12 - Sometimes fifty-fifty God's most faithful followers bring unmet physical needs.

Matthew 19:16-24 - Jesus linked wealth amongst less faith, non more. 

I encourage y'all to report these linked passages then you'll survive prepared to assistance those confused past times prosperity teachings.
You besides mightiness survive helped past times reading roughly of the 1-minute devotions inward the archive: Money & Possessions.

See to a greater extent than Scripture verses close the danger of worldly wealth here.

Bible Love Notes