Monday, October 21, 2019

Preserved, Printed, Precious - God's Word

If you lot e'er catch Bible reading a duty instead of a privilege Preserved, Printed, Precious - God's Word

Did you lot know that books were ane time hand-copied? It took several years to consummate a unmarried Bible.

Then inwards 1440, Gutenberg invented the printing press as well as it revolutionized the world. 

If you lot e'er catch Bible reading a duty instead of a privilege Preserved, Printed, Precious - God's Word
Even though each metallic missive of the alphabet had to endure arranged past times hand, the Gutenberg press could gain hundreds of books inwards a year. 

The origin majority Gutenberg printed was the Bible. Eventually, the Bible became affordable as well as available to the mutual man.

I oft direct maintain the availability of Bibles for granted. I don’t mean value nearly the historic events that placed this sacred majority into my hands as well as then I tin choice it upward whenever I desire to listen God speak. 

If I'm non careful, I tin cause to persuasion Bible reading every 2d a duty instead of a privilege. 

Do you lot e'er experience that way?

If so, Psalm 119:18 is a adept prayer:
“Open my eyes, as well as then that I may come across the wonderful truths inwards your law.”

This devotion based on a Bible Love Note from 2012 called “How Precious to You?”
This devotion volition also encourage you lot to treasure your Bible. It explains the opportunity North Korean Christians direct maintain to read God's Word: Worth the Risk.

The moving-picture present to the correct is my re-create of a page from the 1455 Gutenberg Bible. When my hubby was inwards the Army, nosotros were stationed inwards Mainz, Deutschland where Gutenberg invented his printing press. After they printed the pages, scribes yet hand-embellished them amongst calligraphy as well as small-scale pictures. This is a re-create of ane of those pages.