Thursday, October 31, 2019

4 Things Productive Christians Do

 similar the Good Soil inward the Parable of the Sower four Things Productive Christians Do

In the parable of the sower, the hard-path in addition to rocky-ground people spend upwards God's Word.

The thorny-ground people are non every bit slow to categorize. They powerfulness hold out unsaved or they powerfulness hold out shallow believers who waste materials their earthy lives in addition to lose all eternal rewards every bit described inward 1 Corinthians 3:9-15.(1)

Maturing Christ-followers are the “good soil” that produces many times what is planted (Luke 8:15).

"The seeds on the expert soil are those alongside a noble in addition to expert heart, who ask heed the word, cling to it, in addition to by persevering create a crop.”

These Christians are productive in addition to effective (Matthew 13:23) because they:

1. Cultivate an accurate agreement of God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15).(2)

2. Obey what they acquire (James 1:22).

3. Seek godly companionship (Hebrews 10:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:11).

4. Take their Christian increment seriously (Philippians 2:12-13).


(1) Only God tin know who is saved in addition to who is not, only nosotros for sure should warn people that living for worldly values is non a Christian means to live.

(2) Correctly agreement Scripture is extremely of import inward our electrical flow Christian civilisation where in addition to then many half-truths are taught. See Half-truths Many Christians Believe.

Other 1-minute devotions inward the Parable of the Sower Series: 
Hard-Path People – The Seed is Not the Problem 
Rocky-Ground People – Rocky-Ground Faith 
Thorny-Ground People – Are You Choking on the Thorns? 

Please accept a few moments in addition to attain the Bite Size Bible Study based on this devotion. It gives you lot the amount text of the Scriptures in addition to extra insights to aid you lot acquire a to a greater extent than productive believer.

 similar the Good Soil inward the Parable of the Sower four Things Productive Christians Do