Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Mirror Of God's Word

 And why nosotros should hold off into it regularly The Mirror of God's Word

A spouse tells herself that having a gulp lonely amongst her boss later move won’t wound anything.(1)

A human decides he must convey misunderstood God's telephone phone to missions because the adult woman he wants to get married doesn't desire to alive far from home.

A adult woman has a gut feeling that the yoga chants she’s doing are unbiblical, simply the to a greater extent than she does them, the less they bother her.

A immature couplet decides that watching movies that mock godly values won’t impact them too powerfulness fifty-fifty aid them set amongst their unsaved neighbors.(2)

God's Word is a mirror, revealing our sins too hence nosotros tin repent too spare ourselves sorrow. 

But nosotros require to create to a greater extent than than hold off into the mirror. We require to apply what nosotros run across to our lives (James 1:22-25).

If nosotros don't obey, nosotros deceive ourselves. And self-deception e'er leads to greater sins (1 John 1:8; Jeremiah 17:9).
(1) See Two Steps to Sexual Sin.
(2) See Soft-Core Christians.

 And why nosotros should hold off into it regularly The Mirror of God's Word
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 And why nosotros should hold off into it regularly The Mirror of God's Word