Thursday, October 31, 2019

Three Impossible Commands

 sounds impossible until nosotros sympathise merely about of import distinctions Three Impossible Commands

Does 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 audio impossible?

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give cheers inwards all circumstances; for this is God’s volition for yous inwards Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

“Rejoice ever together with please inwards your faith; hold out unceasing together with persistent inwards prayer; inwards every province of affairs [no affair what the circumstances] hold out thankful together with continually give cheers to God; for this is the volition of God for yous inwards Christ Jesus.” (AMP)

ALWAYS? CONTINUALLY? In ALL circumstances?

Before thinking this is impossible, authorities annotation these truths:

God doesn't nation us to rejoice together with give cheers FOR all circumstances, but IN all circumstances.

This is possible because nosotros know God is ever amongst us, working fifty-fifty the worst of circumstances for our proficient (Hebrews13:5; Romans 8:28).

But how tin nosotros pray unceasingly?

We produce this yesteryear developing an “attitude of prayer.” This way nosotros retrieve of God whenever making decisions, facing problems, or relating to others. We mail upwards soundless prayers together with praises throughout our day.

Sound impossible?

Not amongst Christ’s help (Philipians 4:13).

 sounds impossible until nosotros sympathise merely about of import distinctions Three Impossible Commands