Thursday, October 31, 2019

9 Things That Tin Pocket Your Peace

s wise to pose them together with bargain amongst them Biblically ix Things That Can Steal Your Peace

1. Bad influences: ungodly music, books, TV, or movies

Feed together with refresh your spirit, don’t stress it amongst ungodly, violent, or negative amusement (Psalm 101:3).
Guard Your Heart Archive

2. Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are powerfully destructive. Dwell on what is skilful (Philippians 4:8).
The Power of Negative Self-Talk

3. Money, fabric things

Store upwardly heavenly, non earthly, treasures (Matthew 6:19-20).
Just a Little Bit More

4. Pride, position, wish for admiration

Don't larn caught upwardly inwards the empty rating organisation of our fallen populace (1 John 2:15-17). 
When To Care

5. Fear of offending people

Be gracious together with form to people, but fearfulness God, non human being (Proverbs 29:25).
4 Signs We’re People-Pleasers

6. Entitlement

Jesus didn't request respect, appreciation, together with comfort. Neither should nosotros (Philippians 2:3-8).
Don’t Give Me What I Deserve

7. Injustice

We must select hardship equally a agency of growing our religious belief (John 16:33; 2 Corinthians 4:16-17).
Asking God for an Eternal Perspective

8. Worry

Worry is a lack of trust inwards God. Let's non allow it bag our peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
Worry is Based on a Small View of God

9. Self-focus

Let's esteem God. In the end, this brings us the almost fulfillment, peace, together with confidence (Matthew 16:24).
3 Reasons the Centurion’s Faith Amazed Jesus
Study this devotion amongst amount text Scripture together with additional insights:
9 Things that Can Steal Your Peace, Part 1
9 Things that Can Steal Your Peace, Part 2
9 Things that Can Steal Your Peace, Part 3

s wise to pose them together with bargain amongst them Biblically ix Things That Can Steal Your Peace
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s wise to pose them together with bargain amongst them Biblically ix Things That Can Steal Your Peace