Thursday, October 31, 2019

Today Is The Solar Daytime Of Salvation

I was listening to a Christian vocal that claimed it Today is the Day of Salvation

I was listening to a Christian vocal that claimed it’s never besides belatedly to endure saved, as well as I began pondering that statement.

It's truthful as well as it's not.

For the repentant sinner who fears that God won’t convey him, it's location on.

But Scripture never encourages a “don’t-worry-there's-always-tomorrow” mental attitude nearly salvation.

We don't know if we'll endure live tomorrow (James 4:14).

If nosotros stay persistently stubborn or wicked we're at risk of existence “given over” to our sinful desires as well as depraved minds fifty-fifty if nosotros are endure (Romans 1:18-32).

God sings this song:

“Today, if you lot hear his voice, create non harden your hearts every bit you lot did inwards the rebellion… I was angry alongside that generation; I said, ‘Their hearts are ever going astray…‘They shall never movement into my rest.’ ” See to it, brothers as well as sisters, that none of you lot has a sinful, unbelieving heart…” Hebrews 3:7-13

Let’s offering assurance to the repentant sinner, simply let’s give alarm to the hesitant or resistant unbeliever.
For a clear, concise means to percentage Christ alongside unbelievers read Hit the Road.

I was listening to a Christian vocal that claimed it Today is the Day of Salvation