Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rocky-Ground Faith

Why the Word of God is the Undoing of Rocky Rocky-Ground Faith

Imagine shallow soil roofing a layer of rocks where seeds apace sprout upwardly “with joy.” But equally shortly equally the Sun comes up, they wilt as well as pop off because they bring no roots.

In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23, Luke 8:4-15, Mark 4:1-20) Jesus talks of people who have the gospel similar rocky dry reason receives seeds.

They instantly have God’s Word alongside joy, but apace autumn away when tested.

They desire the benefits of salvation, but they don't desire the responsibilities. God's Word, which they received alongside joy, at nowadays demands things of them they're unwilling to give.(1) 

Perhaps mortal mocks them when they stand upwardly up for unpopular teachings of Scripture. Maybe mortal rejects them when they percentage the gospel. Or mayhap a Christian friend confronts them virtually their sins. 

Their initial joy dissolves when they unwrap they powerfulness lose popularity or bring to alter their lifestyle.

Rocky-ground people don't empathise that salvation has a terms (Luke 14:25-35). 

And they don't empathise the incredible vantage of next Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).

Let's pray for these rocky-ground people that they powerfulness know as well as empathise the honey of Jesus.
(1) Luke only says “testing,” but Matthew as well as Mark explicate it is a lawsuit conduct linked to God’s Word.
To read virtually the rootage grouping Jesus discusses inwards this parable - hard-path people, meet The Seed is Not the Problem.

Why the Word of God is the Undoing of Rocky Rocky-Ground Faith