Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Magnify The Lord Amongst Me

I asked myself an of import enquiry when I read  Magnify the Lord With Me

I asked myself an of import enquiry when I read Psalm 34:3:

"Oh, magnify the LORD amongst me, in addition to allow us exalt his get upward together!"

I asked, "What am I magnifying today?"

I'd been abode on pitiable situations I can't fix, wellness problems that drive me discomfort, in addition to annoying interruptions inward my schedule.

I had to acknowledge I was magnifying my problems, non God.

Psalm 34:3 convicted me.

How create nosotros magnify the Lord? We can't add together to His greatness. He is infinitely swell already. 

We magnify the Lord yesteryear acknowledging His greatness, celebrating it, in addition to proclaiming it.

So I stopped magnifying my problems, acknowledging them, complaining almost them, in addition to proclaiming them.

Instead, I acknowledged God's remarkable might to role bad things inward my life for adept (Romans 8:28).

I celebrated the fact that He volition never run out me only is my constant Helper (Hebrews 13:5-6).

I proclaimed that He lonely tin laid men gratis (John 8:36).

Why don't you lot create got a 2nd in addition to "magnify the Lord amongst me"?

I asked myself an of import enquiry when I read  Magnify the Lord With Me

Bible Love Notes