Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nourishing Our Souls

Nourishing Our Souls Requires Wise Choices Nourishing Our Souls

Fast nutrient restaurants are quick, slow places to eat. They attract us alongside mouth-watering pictures, merely much of what they sell fails to nourish our bodies. 

There are "fast food" life choices equally well, attracting our attending alongside worldly pleasures. They beckon us to plough over our time, effort, as well as devotion to things that won't nourish our souls.

And many people produce it, spending their purity on meaningless affairs, their minds on empty human philosophies, their souls on simulated gods, as well as their pull on worldly pursuits.

Isaiah 55:2 asks us, "Why pass coin on what is non bread, as well as your project on what does non satisfy?" 

Instead, God wants us to pass our lives on things that matter.

Today let's enquire God if we're giving our hearts as well as our resources to anything that doesn't nourish our souls. 

Let's move by fast nutrient stands as well as nourish our souls alongside the staff of life of life (John 6:35).  

Nourishing Our Souls Requires Wise Choices Nourishing Our Souls