Monday, December 7, 2020

Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12

This instance of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a practiced lesson for all of us Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12

Bad attitudes must move dealt alongside immediately...

If nosotros don't bargain alongside bad attitudes quickly, they tin plough into life-damaging emotions.

When I read virtually Miriam's life, I wonder if the jealousy at the halt of her life (Numbers 12) began when Moses was rescued yesteryear the Pharaoh's miss (Exodus 2:1-10).

This instance of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a practiced lesson for all of us Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12
She was a faithful older sis guarding her newborn blood brother together with cleverly arranging for her woman nurture to nurse him. 

But what did she mean value when he grew upwardly enjoying the opulent luxury of Pharoah's palace spell she lived equally a slave? Did the roots of jealousy laid out there? 

Being jealous of siblings, co-workers, or friends is a sign of distrust inwards God. We can't move faithful to God's plans together with purposes inwards our lives when we're busy coveting the gifts together with opportunities of others (See Acts 17:26-28).

Miriam had a particular role inwards the Exodus of God's people (Micah 6:4), simply she wasn't content. She wanted her brother's role. 

Let's non brand the same mistake. Let's bargain alongside whatever areas of discontent together with jealousy together with then nosotros tin bask God's specific plans for our lives.
This instance of sibling rivalry from the Old Testament is a practiced lesson for all of us Sibling Rivalry - Numbers 12
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