Monday, December 7, 2020

Good Tidings Casting Agency Checking The Facts

This mistake yesteryear a newscaster is a practiced example of what causes us to forget the truth an Good News Casting Means Checking the Facts

It's of import to operate our facts instantly together with it's of import to operate our Scriptures straight...

NBC News anchor Brian Williams claimed he was inward a helicopter forced downward yesteryear enemy burn downward in Iraq inward 2003. Crew members of that helicopter refuted his flush together with he recanted.

his flush changed.

If it were genuinely a retention problem, equally Williams claimed, at that spot would convey been an slow solution. 

He could convey checked his master copy study for facts instead of sharing his fictional account.

We Christians tin likewise operate fact together with fiction confused yesteryear taking Bible verses out of context, forgetting cross references that apply, or only repeating pop Christian sayings without making certain they're accurate.  

God never lies (Numbers 23:19) together with He's given us His Word then nosotros tin tell the Truth. 

If nosotros await intently into His Word, remembering what it says together with acting on it, our words volition likewise evidence truthful (James 1:22-25).

Let's brand certain our flush lines upward alongside the "original report."

Stars & Stripes flush on Williams

This mistake yesteryear a newscaster is a practiced example of what causes us to forget the truth an Good News Casting Means Checking the Facts
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