Monday, December 7, 2020

Do Y'all Believe Inwards Devolution? It's Fact, Non Theory.

 a gradual procedure of becoming to a greater extent than complex or improve Do You Believe inwards Devolution? It's Fact, Not Theory.

Evolution: a gradual procedure of becoming to a greater extent than complex or better

Evolutionists claim homo is evolving, getting to a greater extent than complex, stronger, wiser, rise from the slime.

God says homo is devolving, getting weaker, to a greater extent than foolish, climbing deeper into the slime.

"For since the creation of the the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal ability too divine nature—have been clearly seen, beingness understood from what has been made, too then that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him equally God nor gave cheers to him, simply their thinking became futile too their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to endure wise, they became fools..." Romans 1:20-22

Evolution is a theory. But proof for devolution is irrefutable too ubiquitous* ... brokenness, grief, crime, drugs, perversion, oppression, pornography, cruelty, evil of every kind.

We can't terminate the procedure of devolution inwards the world. But praise God nosotros tin terminate it inwards ourselves! 

As novel creations inwards Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), nosotros tin renew too transform (Romans 12:1-2)! 
* existing everywhere

 a gradual procedure of becoming to a greater extent than complex or improve Do You Believe inwards Devolution? It's Fact, Not Theory.
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 a gradual procedure of becoming to a greater extent than complex or improve Do You Believe inwards Devolution? It's Fact, Not Theory.