Friday, March 27, 2020

Why Christians However Expression Upwards A Lastly Judgment

minute devotion explains what Scripture says most the terminal judgment of Believers Why Christians Still Face Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Final Judgment

Why produce believers human face upwardly a terminal judgment if Christ paid for our sins?

1. Judgment isn't the same equally punishment. The penalisation for sin is death, but believers have eternal life (Romans 6:23).

However, Scripture says God all the same judges believers (Matthew 12:36; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 4).

2. Just equally nosotros endure consequences for our sins hither on globe fifty-fifty though we're forgiven, perchance our terminal lawsuit is a thorough agreement of how much our sins wound God  (e.g. Genesis 6:5-6). 

It seems correct that we'd accept chance to limited our sorrow for sins nosotros overlooked hither on earth.

3. Christ promises to wipe away every tear inwards sky (Revelation 21:4).  Perhaps our finally tears volition hold out at the terminal judgment. How wonderful to know nosotros won't comport that burden for eternity. 

When nosotros stand upwardly earlier the judgment spot of God, Christ volition explicate that our names are written inwards the Book of Life because of what He did for us (1 John 2:1; Revelation 20:11-12). 


One of my readers asked this inquiry inwards an email, as well as I idea it was of import plenty to encompass inwards a Bible Love Note. If y'all accept whatsoever questions you'd similar answered inwards a Bible Love Note, delight allow me know. Gail
There are a few Bible teachers who propose that the terminal judgment volition non bargain amongst whatsoever sins of believers, solely rewards or lack thereof. Scriptures similar 1 Peter 4 as well as others listed to a higher house don't lend themselves to that interpretation.
Here are another Bible teachers' explanations of The Final Judgment:
John Piper on The Final Judgment
Got Questions on The Final Judgment
Billy Graham on The Final Judgment

To produce a curt Bible report on this devotion, banking concern jibe out today's Bite Size Bible Study. 

Bible Love Notes

minute devotion explains what Scripture says most the terminal judgment of Believers Why Christians Still Face Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Final Judgment
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minute devotion explains what Scripture says most the terminal judgment of Believers Why Christians Still Face Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Final Judgment