Saturday, March 28, 2020

Kick 'Em When They're Down

 Ways to Deal With People Who Enjoy Your Sorrow Kick 'Em When They're Down

Job was at his lowest point, having lost his cloth possessions, his wellness in addition to his children.

Then his friends came in addition to kicked him piece he was downward (Job 42:7-9).

Paul was inward prison theater suffering for his faith.

Then to a greater extent than or less Christian teachers kicked him piece he was downward (Philippians 1:14-18).

Have you lot e'er been struggling amongst sorrow or hardship alone to direct keep mortal boot you lot piece you're down?

Like Job's friends, to a greater extent than or less people boot amongst a large pes of bad theology, blaming you lot without cause.

Others, similar Paul's colleagues, boot amongst a large pes of jealousy, revenge or epicaricacy, hoping to brand your hurting worse.

When we're hoping for sympathy, it's heart-breaking to become kicked amongst judgment or jealousy. So what tin mail away nosotros do?

1. Seek God, non man, in addition to spend upwardly to convey blame nosotros don't ain (Job 27:5). 
2. Seek God's purposes instead of focusing on our wound (Philippians 1:18-19).
3. Seek God's comfort. When others are kicking, God promises to concur us inward His arms (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Ever experience similar you lot desire an extra infinitesimal or ii of devotional reading? There are 5 1-minute devotions linked to words inward this devotion.

 Ways to Deal With People Who Enjoy Your Sorrow Kick 'Em When They're Down

Bible Love Notes