Saturday, March 28, 2020

The I Affair Nosotros Tin Do

How tin nosotros stand upward for Jesus to those who are suffering The One Thing We Can Do

In our fallen world, most of us sense suffering inwards unopen to form.

God promised us a rose garden, only nosotros trashed it amongst sin. Now this former basis is the best nosotros larn until our sum redemption is realized.

We are broken people living inwards a broken basis experiencing pain, suffering, as well as challenges. 

But what nearly those who endure to a greater extent than than others?

How tin nosotros move Jesus to those people inwards our midst?

Sometimes people avoid those who are suffering because they don't know what to say.

But the most of import affair nosotros tin nation is "I'll pray for you" as well as and hence create it. 

Unless you've been inwards the same position, never nation "I empathize what you're going through." Because you lot don't.

Don't recite Romans 8:28

Don't mean value nearly ways the sufferer mightiness convey caused their problems. (See "Job's Friends" as well as "No Karma")

Let them know you lot care. Help them amongst physical needs. Cry amongst them. Listen to them (Romans 12:15).

But best of all, pray (1 Timothy 2:1).

How tin nosotros stand upward for Jesus to those who are suffering The One Thing We Can Do