Sunday, March 29, 2020

My Teeth Marks Are On That Apple

The forbidden fruit inward the Garden of Eden has an of import significance inward your life equally nosotros My Teeth Marks Are On That Apple

Food is an essential utilisation of life, but it was also utilisation of our spiritual death.

Although nosotros usually mention to the forbidden fruit inward the Garden of Eden equally an apple, the fruit is non specified inward Scripture. All nosotros know is that it came from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good together with Evil, together with it was the only fruit Adam together with Eve were non supposed to eat.

Then Satan told Eve that God was a liar--the forbidden fruit wouldn't wound her. It would brand her similar God. (Genesis 3). So she ate it.
  • Instead of goodness, she ingested insecurity, guilt together with suffering.
  • Instead of nourishing God's picture inward herself, she weakened it.
  • Instead of feeding on God's truth, she fed on Satan's lies.
Sadly, my teeth marks are on that "apple" too…and together with hence are yours.

But Christ redeemed us from that deadly seize amongst teeth together with from every other prevarication of Satan.

In every determination nosotros brand today, let’s seize amongst teeth into God’s Truth!

The forbidden fruit inward the Garden of Eden has an of import significance inward your life equally nosotros My Teeth Marks Are On That Apple
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The forbidden fruit inward the Garden of Eden has an of import significance inward your life equally nosotros My Teeth Marks Are On That Apple