Saturday, March 28, 2020

Christian Fourth Dimension Management - Matthew 6:33

minute devotion encourages you lot to brand certain your  Christian Time Management - Matthew 6:33

Priorities arrive at upward one's hear the course of written report of our lives, together with daily choices arrive at upward one's hear priorities. For Christians, our offset priority inward life should live on God (Matthew 6:33). 
Sadly, surveys present that 80% of Christians don't fifty-fifty read their Bible v minutes a day! If you lot faithfully pass fourth dimension alongside God each day, you're inward the minority. 

God knows nosotros stimulate got move together with describe solid unit of measurement responsibilities, together with He doesn't begrudge us times of leisure, exactly daily fourth dimension inward Scripture together with prayer is essential for our spiritual increment together with well-being.

It isn't e'er the bad choices that trip us up. Sometimes it's spending likewise much fourth dimension on ane practiced matter spell neglecting another.

Psalm 90:12 says "Teach us to publish our days, that nosotros may gain a pump of wisdom."

Why non accept roughly fourth dimension today to brand a "time budget" that includes spiritual disciplines together with allows fourth dimension for divine appointments together with God's particular purposes for your life (Ephesians 2:10)!

(1) Survey: Christianity Today

minute devotion encourages you lot to brand certain your  Christian Time Management - Matthew 6:33