Sunday, March 29, 2020

Opportunities For Sharing Christ On Social Media

The network has corking potential for evil opportunities for sharing Christ on Social Media

God doesn't telephone band everyone to unusual missions, but God calls every Christian to part our faith.

Let me advise but about opportunities y'all mightiness get got overlooked: 

1. Email Mission Field - friends together with family.
Be deliberate virtually sending encouraging emails together with letting others know you're praying for them.

2. Facebook Mission Field - 1.5 billion active monthly users.
Share Scriptures together with encouragement on your wall together with message friends to offering prayer together with encouragement. 

3. Pinterest Mission Field - 250 1000000 monthly users.
While you're pinning your favorite recipes or crafts, accept fourth dimension to pivot links to Christian devotions together with images. Create a board for that purpose. 

Or part your faith on Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube. The network tin sack hold out used for corking evil, but "where sin increases, grace increases all the more" (Romans 5:20). 

There are multiple opportunities on the network ... together with endless opportunities inward other ares of our lives to part God's grace.  Let's produce it!

Have y'all works life unique ways to part your faith? Why non part it inward a comment?

Let assistance y'all inward the social media mission field: You'll detect inspiring images, interesting quotes, together with helpful links on Bible Love Note's FB page together with when y'all share, similar together with comment, y'all assistance Bible Love Notes to expand its presence inward the Facebook "mission field." You'll equally good detect hundreds of images together with devotions on BLN's Pinterest page. Bible Love Notes equally good has a presence on Twitter together with Instagram. Bible Love Notes is non-for-profit, together with hence whenever y'all recommend or part Bible Love Note's images together with devotions on a social network, y'all don't withdraw to worry virtually advertising or requests for donations.

The network has corking potential for evil opportunities for sharing Christ on Social Media