Saturday, March 28, 2020

3 Reasons Nosotros Fail God's Word

minute devotion offers encouragement to overcome these  iii Reasons We Neglect God's Word
We can't await to alive godly lives inwards Christ if nosotros fail God's Word.

"I please inwards your decrees; I volition non fail your word." Psalm 119:16

Often nosotros fail reading as well as studying God's Word for 1 of these reasons:
1. Satan tempts us to waste matter our fourth dimension on less of import things.
See Doin' the Proverbs four Walk.

2. We don't actually believe God's Word is essential to our lives.
See Talk or Power.

3. We permit proficient things inwards life crowd out the best things.  
See American Idols.

In his pamphlet "Tyranny of the Urgent," Charles Hummel suggests keeping rail of the means you lot pass your fourth dimension for a week. Each black earlier bed, write downward everything you lot did, valuable activities too equally "time-wasters," operate as well as leisure.

Then decide the areas where you lot aren't spending fourth dimension wisely as well as inquire God's assistance inwards creating a "time budget." It shouldn't endure an inflexible schedule, simply a "plan" to assistance you lot faithfully as well as regularly read as well as written report God's Word.
I larn no reimbursement for recommending books on Bible Love Notes, simply I recommend The Tyranny of the Urgent pamphlet.

This is the final of a 10 business office serial on 9 Disciplines of Growing ChristiansRead the entire series HERE.

minute devotion offers encouragement to overcome these  iii Reasons We Neglect God's Word
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minute devotion offers encouragement to overcome these  iii Reasons We Neglect God's Word