Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Fun Give-And-Take Study

Why non parent your personal Bible written report past times doing a give-and-take written report Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fun Word Study

Why non parent your personal Bible written report past times doing a give-and-take study.(1) 

You'll demand a notebook in addition to concordance:
(See footstep past times footstep photos below this post.)

1. To create online, endeavour the concordance at Bible Gateway.(2)

2. Type the give-and-take you lot desire to written report inward the search box. For example, when I type "Heart," I discovery at that topographic point are 725 results inward the NIV.

3. Click on the outset reference in addition to ask: 
  • What insight does this passage give most the give-and-take "heart"?
  • Does it parent whatsoever questions?
Why non parent your personal Bible written report past times doing a give-and-take written report Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Fun Word Study4. Write downwards your answers. For example, for Genesis 6:5, the outset reference, I write:
  • Mankind's hearts in addition to thoughts were completely wicked.
  • What's the departure betwixt hearts in addition to thoughts?
5. For New Testament references, click the drib downwards bill of fare inward the Bible translation box in addition to conduct "MOUNCE."(3) Then click on your give-and-take in addition to read the pregnant inward the Greek.

    6. Do the same amongst each reference.

    7. Write insights inward your notebook. 

    When I did this amongst "heart," I got a bigger glimpse of God's heart.

    Why non give it a try, in addition to larn out a comment in addition to say me which give-and-take you lot create upwards one's hear to study?

    To create a really brusk Bible written report on this devotion, banking concern gibe out today's Bite Size Bible Study.

    Step past times Step Directions using Bible Gateway:
    Type give-and-take into the search box:

    The results volition appear:
    After reading a New Testament passage, click the box that displays the Bible translation in addition to conduct "Mounce" inward the drib downwards menu.
    Then click on the give-and-take to run into the Greek pregnant for to a greater extent than insights:
    artwork: Billy Frank Alexander
    (1)Let it hold out a year-long project, if you'd like. You tin create it daily or weekly, but I recommend you lot create it regularly.
    (2) You tin also purpose Bible Study Tools or an actual exhaustive concordance if you lot prefer a majority to an online resource. And at that topographic point are other online resources too. I'm only sharing ane I've used.
    (3) Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament If the reference is Old Testament, you lot tin banking concern gibe the Old Testament Lexicons available on  Bible Study Tools HERE. But this procedure is a petty to a greater extent than complex - you lot must outset click on ane of the several Hebrew words used for "heart" in addition to this volition give you lot the specific Definition for that Hebrew give-and-take in addition to listing where that Hebrew give-and-take is establish inward the Old Testament. It's worth your time, but takes several steps to discovery your word.