Sunday, March 29, 2020

Comfort Foods As Well As God's Comfort

minute devotion gives insights into our  Comfort Foods in addition to God's Comfort

What are your “comfort foods”?

Mine are homemade bread, cinnamon rolls, in addition to soup.

God designed foods for our enjoyment, but nutrient isn’t genuinely meant to comfort us—that’s something God wants to do.

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, He’s called the God of all comfort. What a dandy promise!

But nosotros must select His comfort. When Joseph disappeared we’re told that Jacob refused to live on comforted (Genesis 37:35). Jacob forgot that God is inwards charge, that God turns bad into good, that God wants to comfort us. Jacob's refusal to select comfort didn’t convey Joseph dorsum whatever sooner. It simply made Jacob hapless for a expert chunk of his life.

Are you lot inwards postulate of comfort inwards around surface area of your life today? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 2nd helping of pie won't create the trick! Instead inquire for God's comfort, in addition to select it when He gives it. He’s able to comfort you lot inwards whatever in addition to every situation! 

minute devotion gives insights into our  Comfort Foods in addition to God's Comfort
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minute devotion gives insights into our  Comfort Foods in addition to God's Comfort