Sunday, March 29, 2020

Let's Quit Blame-Shifting

minute devotion urges us to quit blaming our sins on 2 pop scapegoats  Let's Quit Blame-Shifting

We are easily influenced yesteryear imitation cultural views of sin. That's why it's hence of import that Christians remember:

1. Environment in addition to circumstances don't brand us sin.

It's pop to blame surroundings or circumstances for bad behavior, only that's non Biblical. 

Scripture says nosotros lead sin (Genesis 4:7; John 3:19; James 4:17). 

We aren't born perfect in addition to hence messed upwardly yesteryear our environment. We're born messed upwardly (Romans 5:12).

Change comes when nosotros recognize our fallen nature in addition to accept responsibleness for our sins, in addition to plough to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Daniel spent his life inwards an evil heathen environment, only he made correct choices.

2. Parents are NOT responsible for how their adult children plough out.

This is a natural spin-off of belief #1. 

If an adult kid makes terrible choices, nosotros ofttimes await for error inwards the parents, non the adult child. 

Parents are responsible TO God for how they raise only non responsible FOR their adult children's choices (Ezekiel 18:20).

Joseph had a dysfunctional family, only he made correct choices.

We require to follow these examples in addition to accept responsibleness for our choices.

We'd endure wise to regularly read the rigid alert inwards 1 John 1:8-10.
minute devotion urges us to quit blaming our sins on 2 pop scapegoats  Let's Quit Blame-Shifting
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minute devotion urges us to quit blaming our sins on 2 pop scapegoats  Let's Quit Blame-Shifting