Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Undercover Room - Psalm 32

My grandchildren bring a hugger-mugger room inward their menage together with Psalm  My Secret Room - Psalm 32

I dear my son-in-law for lots of reasons, only 1 is that he's a peachy dad. 

As an engineer, he of late started thinking nigh dead infinite beneath the stairs inward their house. So, he created a hugger-mugger room for our grandchildren they tin access past times climbing through a kitchen cabinet!

How fun is that?

It's meant to live on a house to play, only it would also live on a security house to enshroud from an intruder.

Recently my friend Linda was praying for me together with God brought Psalm 32:7 to her mind:

"You are my hiding place; yous volition protect me from problem together with environment me amongst songs of deliverance."

God used Linda to remind me of such an of import truth:
When life hurts, when nosotros experience broken together with bruised, nosotros bring a security house to go, a house where nosotros tin lay downward our lamentable thoughts together with residual inward the dear of our Lord together with Protector.

I am then glad that my Father idea to include a "secret room" inward his menage for me....and yous too.

My grandchildren bring a hugger-mugger room inward their menage together with Psalm  My Secret Room - Psalm 32
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My grandchildren bring a hugger-mugger room inward their menage together with Psalm  My Secret Room - Psalm 32