Sunday, March 29, 2020

Avoiding Concrete Minds

Concrete minds tin post away last a exceptional work amid Christians Avoiding Concrete Minds

You've heard of difficult hearts, simply what nearly difficult minds?

Concrete minds tin post away last a exceptional work amid Christians.

They cast when nosotros postulate heed a teaching, combine it amongst personal prejudices, in addition to allow it harden into concrete. 

These concrete thoughts acquire "Scripture" to us in addition to we'll defend them no thing how many Bible passages refute them (Colossians 2:8). 

Frequently when I write nearly Biblical judgment, I consider folks amongst "Judge not!" concrete thoughts. No thing how much Scriptural evidence I supply, they hold to insist that the Bible teaches nosotros must never approximate anyone or anything.

Over the years I've learned that if I'm non careful, I tin post away pour cement inwards my brain, too.

It's in addition to then of import that nosotros cheque every instruction amongst the full context of Scripture instead of highlighting a few passages (Acts 20:27). And it's of import that nosotros never trust others to create our studying for us (2 Timothy 2:15).

Concrete is bang-up for a patio simply non for a mind.

Concrete minds tin post away last a exceptional work amid Christians Avoiding Concrete Minds

Bible Love Notes