Sunday, March 29, 2020

Created Inwards God's Image, But....

 says something really interesting that is a straight resultant of the autumn Created inwards God's Image, But....

In whose icon are y'all born?

Don't response also quickly.....

You are CREATED inwards God's icon (Genesis 1:27).

But since the Fall, human has been BORN inwards Adam's image:
"When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a boy inwards his ain likeness, inwards his ain image" Genesis 5:3

Adam's sin distorted God's icon inwards mankind, making us favor sin over righteousness.

Proof of this comes inwards Genesis half-dozen when God had to post the Flood together with then that evil did non overtake all of mankind.

"The LORD saw how nifty the wickedness of the human race had proceed the earth, together with that every inclination of the thoughts of the human pump was alone evil all the time.  The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, together with his pump was deeply troubled." Genesis 6:5-6

It breaks my pump to know how our sins grieve God. It gives me joy unspeakable to have Christ's grace, forgiveness together with renewal.  

Do y'all know the joy unspeakable of beingness born anew (John 3:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:17)? It's available to all who believe!

Would y'all similar to produce a Bible written report on this devotion? Check out today's Bite Size Bible Study.

 says something really interesting that is a straight resultant of the autumn Created inwards God's Image, But....