Saturday, March 28, 2020

Enjoying Obedience - Psalm 119:14

s instruction on obedience in addition to how nosotros tin sack honor joy fifty-fifty inward the hard things Enjoying Obedience - Psalm 119:14

"God has called us to alive holy lives" (1 Thessalonians 4:7), in addition to 1 agency nosotros create that is to honor joy inward obedience:
"I rejoice inward next your statutes equally 1 rejoices inward bully riches." Psalm 119:14

Does obedience brand y'all experience elated in addition to joy-filled?

What close the "hard" commands similar forgiving offenses, returning expert for evil, denying ourselves, or standing upward for God's values inward a globe that mocks them?

It's interesting how frequently the Bible links joy amongst these hard acts of obedience:
✤ Be glad when insulted for Christ (Matthew 5:11-12)
✤ Consider trials "pure joy" (James 1:2)
✤ Rejoice e'er - written past times Paul inward prison theatre (Philippians 3:1)

It's impossible to rejoice inward these hard acts of obedience inward our ain strength. But inward Christ all things are possible (Matthew 19:26; Philippians 4:13).

And joy comes from looking beyond the difficulty to the reward:
"Rejoice in addition to hold out glad, because bully is your vantage inward heaven." Matthew 5:12
This is business office of a 10 business office serial on ix Spiritual Disciplines establish in Psalm 119:9-16. Read the entire series HERE.

s instruction on obedience in addition to how nosotros tin sack honor joy fifty-fifty inward the hard things Enjoying Obedience - Psalm 119:14
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s instruction on obedience in addition to how nosotros tin sack honor joy fifty-fifty inward the hard things Enjoying Obedience - Psalm 119:14