Sunday, March 29, 2020

There's No Such Affair Equally A Moral Majority

 as well as nosotros are wise to realize this truth as well as convey courage from by Saints There's No Such Thing every bit a Moral Majority

Despite our wish to conduct maintain sky on earth, at that topographic point are no "Christian nations."

We American Christians conduct maintain difficulty accepting this fact as well as oft misunderstand our role. 

We involve to:
  • Keep fighting for practiced laws only realize the bulk volition rule.
  • Keep living as well as sharing God's values only realize we'll hold out inwards the minority.
  • Pray to a greater extent than as well as complain less.
There's a reoccurring subject inwards Scripture from Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7:28-29) to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3:4-9) to Paul (Acts 13:46). God's people conduct maintain the message of Life, only that doesn't hateful the bulk volition listen. 

But this is no argue for despair.

We tin give the axe convey courage from by saints who likewise faced opposition (Hebrews 12:1-2) as well as kept sharing God's message inwards spite of it.

Jesus warned us that people would process us the same agency they treated Him (John 15:20), then let's convey upward our spiritual weapons as well as proceed fighting the practiced care (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

Even though many people won't listen, some will

 as well as nosotros are wise to realize this truth as well as convey courage from by Saints There's No Such Thing every bit a Moral Majority