Saturday, March 28, 2020

We Continue Getting The Cart Earlier The Horse

 Christians must non become the Cart earlier the Horse We Keep Getting the Cart Before the Horse

Recently I read an article encouraging Christians to inquire God to honour them!

This perspective represents our self-esteem focus too and it highlights our human vogue to become the cart earlier the horse.

Scripture puts outset things first:

"Anyone who wants to survive my disciple must follow me ... And the Father volition honour anyone who serves me." John 12:26

"Humble yourselves nether the mighty ability of God, too at the correct fourth dimension he volition elevator y'all upwards inwards honor." 1 Peter 5:6

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I volition rescue him; I volition protect him, for he acknowledges my bring upwards ... I volition survive with him inwards trouble, I volition deliver him too honour him. Psalm 91:14-15

Honor follows character, it does non precede it. 

God does non honour those who attempt honor. 

God honors those who attempt to honour Him.

That Equus caballus pulls the cart.
*This mental attitude is peculiarly prevalent inwards kid raising, fifty-fifty alongside Christians, where instead of telling a kid he is loved no affair what he does, parents are telling their children they are wonderful no affair what they do. This isn't Biblical too it is creating a whole generation of selfish, praise-hungry people. Read to a greater extent than inwards my Self-esteem archive.

 Christians must non become the Cart earlier the Horse We Keep Getting the Cart Before the Horse