Saturday, March 28, 2020

Why Adept People Suffer

 Lewis prompts us to enquire a inquiry nosotros don Why Good People Suffer

“The existent employment is non why around pious, humble, believing people suffer, but why around create not.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

1. Slander ruins a man's career.
2. H5N1 pastor has chronic wellness problems.
3. An honest homo is ruined past times dishonest men.
4. Believers are tortured in addition to killed for their faith.

"Why me?" is a mutual inquiry when faced amongst difficulty.

But a to a greater extent than reasonable inquiry powerfulness move "Why non me?"

The Bible tape refutes the notion that our earthly lives volition move merely in addition to easy:

1. Slander ruined Joseph's career in addition to sent him to prison theatre (Genesis 39:1-10).
2. Young pastor Timothy had chronic tum problems (1 Timothy 5:23).
3. Corrupt King Saul repeatedly tried to assassinate David (1 Samuel 24:1-12).
5. Believers have ever been persecuted (Hebrews 11).

God doesn't hope earthly relaxation in addition to justice, but He promises to comfort us (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) in addition to exercise bad things for our practiced if nosotros focus on His purposes (Romans 8:28).

 Lewis prompts us to enquire a inquiry nosotros don Why Good People Suffer
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 Lewis prompts us to enquire a inquiry nosotros don Why Good People Suffer