Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Gospel Of A Celebrity

known celebrity claim God was jealous of her The Gospel of H5N1 Celebrity

I of late watched an quondam video clip where a well-known celebrity explained how she quit believing inward the Christian God when she heard Deuteronomy 6:15: "the LORD your God inward your midst is a jealous God." 

She said she couldn't believe inward a god who was "jealous of her."

Her answer is illustration of the high self-esteem nosotros humans convey of ourselves too how it ever leads to a depression stance of God.

This celebrity has the mutual occupation defined in Galatians 6:3: "If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves."  

When we're deceived almost our importance, nosotros cash inward one's chips deceived almost God's importance too. We inflate our worth too deflate God's. We don't empathise God's incredible grace because nosotros convey non understood our incredible sinfulness too desperate postulate for a Savior.  

Only from our fallen human perspective could nosotros remember God is jealous of us!! 

In truth, God is jealous for us.

He knows what's best for us, too He wants us to devote ourselves to Him too His purposes, non to simulated gods such equally pride too self-love (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Instead of turning us away from God, this truth should makes us stand upwards inward awe of Him.

To read to a greater extent than almost the important of God's Jealousy: Our Jealous God

To read to a greater extent than almost the god of self-love, meet Godly Self-Esteem.

known celebrity claim God was jealous of her The Gospel of H5N1 Celebrity